Halloween Party for Grown Ups

Another good documentary

Okay here is another good documentary to see if you are into such movies. This one deals with darwinism vs. intellgent design. It is very insightful and really gets the wheels turning. Hosted by Ben Stein ("Bueller? Bueller?") who is so courageous by bringing up this debate and major controversy in our scientific community; which by the way is trickling into our everyday lives including our education system.

I am often thinking about how America is now reaping the consequences of taking God OUT of our country. It wasn't so long ago that there was a push to take God out of country, out of everything and now our major systems are falling apart. Coincidence? I think NOT.

Oh and if you are a Netflix member, you can watch this movie for FREE online---sign in to your account and check it out today!

We are moving!

The date has been set and we are busy packing to move back to Washington. We will leave the great state of Idaho and the WONDERFUL city of Boise the weekend of Nov. 15th. As excited as we are to be back in Washington and close to our family and friends; we are sad to leave Boise and our 'family' here. We have made the best of friends here over the last 6 years.

We will be living in North Bend while we look for jobs. Travis's parents are taking us in which we are so grateful for! Taking an additional 5 people is a lot!!! We don't have jobs lined up but we decided to take a leap on our faith in God and trust in Him that he will provide for us in a timely manner.

We look forward to catching up with our family and our friends in Washington and we feel very blessed that we will be home in time for the holidays!

We will give more details as we get closer to the move. I should get going on packing!!


This morning, Reid made his first crawl forwards!! He was determined to get a hold of a cup on the floor and got himself forward. I happened to be on the phone with Travis at the exact moment so it was fun to pass on the exciting news with daddy. Reid is 8 months old today and is really going to be on the move now. As Travis said, "It's all over now." Yep, it sure is!

Reid fell asleep on Daddy (10/21/08).
Reid yesterday also hit another milestone just yesterday (10/21). He is beginning to use the sign for "more" when eating. Right now I am reinforcing him with a bite when he claps to help shape the actual motion which is similar to clapping to request more food. It is so fun to feed him and see him communicate his needs!! I am also working on "all done" when the food runs out to indicate to him that the meal is over.

Here is Shae with Travis's wig for Halloween. Isn't he so cute with a '90s hair do?! Travis is going to be Garth from Wayne's World. Our friend Jeff will be Wayne. His wife Ashley and I are going to be Romy and Michelle. It will be a lot of fun at the Townsends annual Halloween party this Saturday night! Look for pictures next week!!
Here is Payton with curly hair!!! This is from yesterday (10/21) when she asked me to curl her hair for school. What a doll with curls! This week is Red Ribbon week at school----it's to teach the kids to say no to drugs. Each day this week, the kids are encouraged to wear different colors and outfits to take part in the activities. Yesterday was pajama day. Today is sports day so Payton is wearing her gymnastics leotard over her shirt (with jeans!) How fun!

And I leave you with a video of Reid taken last week. He wasn't in a great mood but I caught him giggling at me and waving for a split second. He has figured out how to manipulate his hands and is learning to wave at people!

Peek a Boo and Moving Around

First Snow Fall in Boise

Yes, it has already snowed this fall in Boise!! It was a rain/snow mix on Friday night (10/10) so here are a few shots looking out of our front door. It was gone by mid-morning yesterday. So much for Fall this year---it is already acting like Winter here.

Out on the town this weekend

Last Night we went out with our bestest friends here in Boise and had SOOOO much fun! We were out celebrating Alyssa's accomplishment in finishing up comp exams for her Master's Program. Way to go Alyssa!!

We started at our favorite restaurant in town (Old Chicago) and then on a whim went to Hanna's which was also holding a celebration. Oh my gosh Rocci was on fire last night!! And talk about the craziest outfit I have seen on that woman yet! If Alyssa has a picture of Rocci, I will have to get a copy to add to this blog for all of you to see! Rocci, who owns Hanna's likes to sing on the weekends. It was so fun to be out dancing as a group to her wild singing. All around it was a great night and I must say I haven't been up that late in a LONG time! I think we all felt a big queasy and really tired this morning:) My head was pounding this morning!!

Troy and Alyssa
Chris and Deitra
Jeff and Ashley
the girls
the boys
Ashley and Chris
Deitra returning a kiss to Ash
who can't resist kissing this cutie?!
well apparently Travis can't resist!
kisses for Jeff!
David is such a lady's man! not too sure who the chick is to my right...
the "shocker" shot
grooving at Hanna's

Here are some after party pics. We went back to our place for asphalt pie and for Rock Band. It was such a fun night out with our friends!

Ready for Halloween!

Miss Payton is ready for Halloween thanks to Nanny!!! Look at this pretty pretty Ariel Princess!! She feels "BEAUTIFUL!" and appreciates that Nanny picked out the prettiest costume!! THANK YOU NANNY!!!

Hello Birdie

Shae and I found this 'birdie' on our fence this morning. I had no idea what kind of bird it is so I did some hunting online and I think I found what type of birdie this is! I'm pretty sure I have it right! What do you think?

the bird on our fence

pictures of a Sharp-Spinned Hawk

Rock Band 2


We got Rock Band 2 this week and the kids LOVE it! Better songs and fun extras---like "no fail" mode on songs so the kids can play without failing the songs 1/4 way into it. Payton is our singer, Shae is our drummer!! SO FUN

Babysitting Kyla

We babysat Kyla yesterday for a few hours and had a quick photo shoot! She has changed so much just in the last week, I can't believe she is going on 3 months old!! Wow the babies of Rock Hampton (our neighborhood where we have welcomed 4 babies this year) are growing so quickly. Kyla, the youngest of the bunch has such a sweet personality. I love listening to her adorable coos and smiling back at her infectious smile!! We are definitely enjoying our time with the kids here in Boise before we move.

Kyla getting a bottle (Shae is a fantastic photographer!)

hanging out

Such a happy girl! She will be 3 months old on October 9th (tomorrow!)

Reid and Kyla chilling

"Come here Kyla; you look tasty!"

"what?! I'm not doing anything!"

"Stop trying to suck on my head Reid!"