Reid, 10 months old!

Reid is now 10 months old. Where did the time go?? I can't believe that in 2 months, we will be celebrating his first birthday. One step at a time I guess----I should enjoy the last remaining months of having a baby!

Reid is one active boy. He is a fast crawler and has learned to pull himself up to a standing by grabbing on to just about anything. I saw him pull up in the crib yesterday. He thinks he is pretty cool because now he has figured out that he can stand while only using one hand to hold on to a surface (as you can see in this video). He also can move from holding onto a dining room chair to taking steps to grab onto the table. My oh my he will be walking soon!!

We found out some very exciting news yesterday that we can't wait to share with all of you!!!! The Lord has blessed us with the best Christmas present of all!! The news will be shared with you soon:) (and please don't think that this means we are having another baby----that is just not possible at this point so wish that sort of news for someone else lol!!).


It's been a while....

Oh my, I let my blog go almost a full month since my last posting. Yikes!! Well I have a lot to catch up on!

Things are great here in North Bend. We definitely have adjusted since our move and we feel at home in the Pacific Northwest. We really love the "eastside" of Seattle, so maybe just maybe we will settle in this vicinity once we get jobs in order. Travis did have an interview yesterday (16th) with a great company in Bellevue so we are praying this is the right job for him. We should find out before Christmas.

Both Payton and Shae enjoy school. Payton loves her teacher and her classmates. It is so positive to see how well she has adjusted as if she has been at this school all year! They went on a field trip at the beginning of December to the Seattle Children's Museum to see "the Wizard of Oz." She had a presentation last week about a holiday in another country---she chose Christmas in Ireland so she discussed a traditional Irish Christmas. Shae loves going to school, he doesn't cry when we leave now so that is positive! We saw his Spanish teacher out in the community a week or so ago and so he had a great time talking to her and seeing her outside of school. He is so very proud of his artwork that he brings home!

Reid is just growing like a weed. I should note, this is not physical growth! He seems to have plateaued in gaining weight, although he is eating pretty much everything we do now. He loves to feed himself so we give him a lot of finger foods. This is the stage of baby development that amazes me the most---Reid's developmental growth is changing so much! He is crawling all over the place and can pull to a standing. He mimics a lot of our sounds and some words. Travis has mastered "uh oh" with him and it is so stinking cute to watch the two of them go back and forth with their 'uh ohs!' He loves to play with the other two kids and can handle his own for sure! We call him bruiser at times because he does steamroll Shae at times when he is determined to take Shae's toy or item he is playing with. It's pretty entertaining to say the least.

The kids are so excited for Christmas! They can't handle the suspense of what they will receive. I think both kids have pestered me a few times about opening a present this morning while I sit close to the tree to type this entry. What stinkers!

Colin is flying in for Christmas so we are very excited to spend time with him while he is here! We will spend Christmas Eve with the Alflens and Christmas Day with the Fergusons. Ahhh, the bonus of one family opening presents on Christmas Eve and the other on Christmas Day----the kids get a double dose of present opening! I can hardly wait to just spend the time with our families.

Well, enjoy your Christmas! We wish you all a very happy day with your families. May God's blessings be plentiful as we close 2008 and start anew for 2009.