Reid, 10 months old!

Reid is now 10 months old. Where did the time go?? I can't believe that in 2 months, we will be celebrating his first birthday. One step at a time I guess----I should enjoy the last remaining months of having a baby!

Reid is one active boy. He is a fast crawler and has learned to pull himself up to a standing by grabbing on to just about anything. I saw him pull up in the crib yesterday. He thinks he is pretty cool because now he has figured out that he can stand while only using one hand to hold on to a surface (as you can see in this video). He also can move from holding onto a dining room chair to taking steps to grab onto the table. My oh my he will be walking soon!!

We found out some very exciting news yesterday that we can't wait to share with all of you!!!! The Lord has blessed us with the best Christmas present of all!! The news will be shared with you soon:) (and please don't think that this means we are having another baby----that is just not possible at this point so wish that sort of news for someone else lol!!).